- Canadian scientists say that drinking four cups of coffee a day may cut risk of having gout attack problems. People who drank more coffee had lower blood uric acid levels - which are linked to the condition. Drinking tea had no effect, so caffeine is probably not the active substance.
- Drinking four or more cups of coffee can significantly decrease your risk of liver cancer or liver cirrhosis. Compared with non coffee drinkers, risks were for 20% smaller for drinkers of 1-2 cups per day, 40% smaller for 3-4 cups a day and 70% smaller for five cups per day or more. More coffee components have been related to this effect: caffeine, coffee oils, cafestol and antioxidants from coffee beans.
- Studies have shown that caffeine intake is associated with a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease. The mechanisms by which caffeine affects Parkinson's disease remains a secret, but in models researchers have shown how caffeine prevents the loss of dopamine producing nerve cells seen in Parkinson's disease. Caution: By women undergoing HRT (hormone replacement therapy) drinking coffee can have a reverse effect causing increase in risk of developing Parkinson's disease.
- Group of German researchers discovered that drinking coffee may help prevent colon cancer, the second leading cause of cancer in western world. They identified a potent antioxidant (methylpyridinium) in coffee that appears to boost the activity of phase II enzymes, which protects against colon cancer.
- Coffee consumption of 6 or more cups a day was found to reduce the risk of developing Type2 diabetes. Opposite to what was thought drinking coffee caused 50% reduction in diabetes risk by men and 30% reduction by women. The coffee compound that causes that effect is called chlorogenic acid. It increases the body's capacity to dispose glucose.
- Results from several large studies have shown that people drinking 2-3 cups every day were 40% less likely to develop painful gallstones. Researchers suggested that caffeine is responsible for the gallstone effect, because it triggers gallbladder contractions, which discourage formation of gallstones.
- Recent large cross-sectional studies have shown inverse association between drinking coffee and the prevalence of asthma. Risk of asthma was decreased by 29%when drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day. This positive effect of caffeine on asthma has been appreciated for over 100 years.
- Coffee is number one source of antioxidants, which have been linked to many health benefits such as protection against heart disease and cancer.
- Caffeine may boost female sex drive (Honey, would you like a cup of coffee???), at least at test rats, so guys hold your horses and turn off your coffee machine... Caffeine really motivates female rats to have more frequent sex, but only with those which never had caffeine in their system.
coffee has some really good and disease preventing effects, this set of study results is not an invitation to start drinking too much coffee. The way how most people drink their coffee, they're still doing far more harm than good. It means that you can have your morning cup of coffee, knowing that the coffee you're drinking is not doing you any harm, but quite the opposite!
I am a senior editor and writer for Kona Coffee Beans [http://www.kona-coffee-beans.info], website that specializes on USA's no.1 gourmet coffee. Because of the rarity and price of Kona coffee beans in the marketplace, pure Kona coffee is considered to be one of the premium specialty coffees [http://www.kona-coffee-beans.info] of the world.
These products are designed to suit any lifestyle, and are enhanced with ancient Chinese herbal remedies that have been widely revered for hundreds of years remained largely unknown outside of Eastern herbal medicine. The products including beverages such as our Gourmet Black Coffee, Gourmet Café Latte, Gourmet Café Mocha, and Organic Green Tea. OG Smile Toothpaste G3 Premium Beauty Soap. And of course in its purest form it can be found in our nutraceuticual products, encased in a vegetable capsule in the Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum Mycelium and Ganoderma Spore Powder supplements.