Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Book For Couples In Business Together - FREE On Kindle

Now through July 2, 2014 you can pick up Inspiring Couples In Business & In Love for FREE for your Kindle e-readers.  

This book is a must for any couple that is in business together or is thinking about going into business together.  23 coupes share their secrets to what works and what doesn't work when your relationship and business are combined.

Visit our Website for


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Does Your Relationship Need Financial Help?

Relationship are what I am an expert in.  I love helping couples turn their relationships into a vision of beauty, romance and passion.  The journey to that blissful relationship is not one that is usually all fun and games.  There are many things that can derail this desire.  Finances are one area that can make or break a relationship.  Lucky for us we found a family that put everything into perspective for us.  The Unstoppable Family helped us see that our financial independence is something we need to take our relationship and life to the next level.  Watch the video below and see if you connect with any parts of it.  If so then click the link below to join us in this travel we have set forth upon and become part of our tribe.

Peace and Love, Rob

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Manifesting For Beautiful Reasons

Do you feel like life seems to be against you constantly?  Do you feel like there has to be something better for you?  Well if you answered yes to both of those questions your mind is not focused in the right direction.  You are allowing yourself to fall into that pit of despair.  Climbing out is hard work but it can be made easier by changing your thoughts.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Paleo Diet!

It’s really a return to the type of eating your body naturally craves and was designed for. And that’s why it works. It’s based on how we humans evolved for literally millions of years. 

And takes us back to our origins. A time when nobody got fat. When we were all strong, lean and had boundless energy. And when there were no degenerative diseases.

To Learn more Click Here!